New Site

Aleksey Mochalin 2019-07-31

Hello my Dear Users,

New site came with new design, new feature and Support Center.
Really it is a new long way of building big information base. In my priority is:

  • Create informative documentation. I’m adding new features at least every month and in most cases it changes the GUI. Every time when I start to make documentation it starts to be unactual in month or so. I ask you to be patient, I see the light inth end!
  • Soon I will start to make video tutorials of how to install, how to manage that project and how to configure different devices.

Sorry for inconvenience. I will try to fill white spaces ASAP.


  1. Hey Aleksey, I am trying to use tacgui to demonstrate how to create a secure access adapter for the Nokia Access Manager product. In order to do that the code needs to be able to create users, delete users, rotate passwords and proxy login. The product can connect using a number of different transports. I generally do these kind of operations using an SSH CLI interface. I’m basically doing the same thing that tacgui does but from a CLI. The program is written in Java. How would you suggest that I do this?

    1. Hello Alfred,

      TACACSGUI doesn’t have cli. It has only API. You can find all links and attributes for API by using Google Developer Console.
      Regards, Aleksey

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for that comment. In the first glance, it is very interesting feature.
      I have to study it and as I think it will be added to my plan of development.

      Regards, Aleksey

  2. API settings user Groups under role list can add one more for reports

    1. Hello,

      Yes, I think it make sense. But I can’t give a date of implementation of that feature.
      Thank you for your comment.

      Regards, Aleksey

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